Vice President Constantino Chiwenga‘s wife, Colonel Miniyothabo Baloyi, popularly known as Minnie Chiwenga’s dress code stole the limelight at the recently held Independence Celebrations in Murambinda.
Minnie is a fashion designer and is said to own several fashion shops around Harare.
The dress of Vice President’s wife can be associated with her background in fashion and design.
For such a national event, Minnie have to dress in a way which depicts a sense of fashion coupled with national consciousness as exhibited by the national fabric garment used.
Dressing is a daily experience that some do unconsciously whereas others take their time, it creates the boundary between the intimate self and the wider world and often require knowledge, techniques, and aesthetics that are not often acknowledged yet hold complex meaning.
For Minnie, dressing is not just about covering the essentials but is an epitome of knowledge in fashion and its aesthetics coupled with identity with the national event that have congregated the people.
Clothing’s cultural significance goes far beyond basic necessity as it embody the most personal and the most public ways in which we create and express our identity.
Dress’ Speak n., often cap [United States, colloquial] (1978): a phrase used to express how clothing and the way it is tailored and worn translates into a personal statement.
Minnie Chiwenga’s dress spoke boldly to her persona as well as it made a statement to the national discourse of embracing national dress.
The wife to the Vice President’s sense of dressing can be an embodiment and endorsement of the national dress which have been much talked about but with little progress.